Meet the Blogger

Petrol, Diesel, Engines, Pistons. These few words are only a few of those which collectively describe my passion, my hobby and my escape from reality: Cars and Racing. Hence I've created this blog, for all the petrol heads just like me, with a passion for racing, be it F1, P1, Drag Racing, Rally racing among many others.

About Me

My name is Damian, I'm a nineteen year old from Malta studying for a Bachelor in Communications. Other than studying at Uni, I also have a part time job so life can get quite busy for me. In all this chaos nothing calms me down more than going for a late night drive or watching a race on Sunday morning. I was born into a car loving family, so you could say I inherited this love for cars. My father and my uncle love cars, and my grandpa is a radiator repairer who also used to Drag Race at the Hal Far back in the day. Being surrounded by all of these it's no surprise I love cars so much.
My Daily Driver: Dexter

I myself own a 2002 Polo (named Dexter) and you'll frequently find me at car meets, talking with fellow car enthusiasts. To some, cars are just heaps of metal which get you from A to B, but to myself and many others with an appreciation for them, they're much more than that. They're a method of expression, being one with your car while driving it, it's as if when you're driving, you're free. It's just you, your car and the road.

About the Blog

This blog is going to be about any car news, racing news or anything else which gets my attention and I have an opinion on. The main purpose of this blog is not to just be a one sided opinion piece by myself, but also a place where others can also voice their opinion via comments and such. Any important racing event, new car release or anything prominent in the racing world will be mentioned in my blog, followed by my opinion about the piece. Thank you for reading and I hope you will join me as I embark on this new experience as a blog writer.

Peace petrolheads,


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